What is it ?


It's three hikes of 19, 16, 9 km et a family walk of 5 km. During the hike you'll find differents spots where you will be able to taste some local products or to attend to a a guided tour of an historical monument.


At the end of the day a market is organised where you can buy the products that you have tasted during the hike.

And finally we end the day with a dinner dance (on booking).

A sporty and friendly day!


Where and When


Saturday 25th September in Courceboeufs.


To know more about the event


Contact the tourist office : +33 (0)2 43 27 35 30

E-mail : officedetourisme@mainecoeurdesarthe.fr

Watch this video from 2016


Contact :

Office de Tourisme Maine Cœur de Sarthe

 36 rue du Général Leclerc

72290 Ballon Saint Mars

Tel. : /

E-mail : officedetourisme@mainecoeurdesarthe.fr


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Office de Tourisme Maine Cœur de Sarthe

36 rue du Général Leclerc

72290 Ballon-St Mars


Tél : 02 43 27 35 30  -  07 67 28 82 10



Horaires :


Bureau à Ballon Saint Mars

Mercredi : 9h - 12h30 / 14h - 17h30

Jeudi : 14h - 17h30

Vendredi : 9h - 12h30 / 14h - 17h30

 Samedi : 9h - 12h30


A La Fonderie d'Antoigné

Samedi : 14h - 18h


  Nous sommes également joignables le mardi et le jeudi matin par téléphone.

Suivez nous sur les réseaux sociaux !